Marja-Liisa Plats

Programmes starting soon

You are welcome to participate in continuing education at the University of Tartu. 

Read more about the programmes and the organisation of studies on the webpage for continuing education. You can find all the continuing education programmes open for registration on the programme search page. Send all your requests and questions regarding continuing education by email to

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Estonian Pre-intermediate Course, Level A2 > B1

  • Course dates: 29.07.2024 - 09.08.2024
  • Course duration: 4.5 ECTS (120 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool  Rahvusvaheline 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Estonian for Beginners III, A1.2 > A2

  • Course dates: 29.07.2024 - 09.08.2024
  • Course duration: 4.5 ECTS (120 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool  Rahvusvaheline 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Estonian for Beginners I, 0 > A1.1

  • Course dates: 29.07.2024 - 09.08.2024
  • Course duration: 4.5 ECTS (120 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool  Rahvusvaheline 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Estonian for Beginners II, A1.1 > A1.2

  • Course dates: 29.07.2024 - 09.08.2024
  • Course duration: 4.5 ECTS (120 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool  Rahvusvaheline 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Summer school for chemistry teachers

  • Course dates: 06.08.2024 - 07.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.5 ECTS (16 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool  Õpetajale 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Estonian Language in Cultural Context

  • Course dates: 12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
  • Course duration: 2 ECTS (52 hours)
  • Occurence type: Rahvusvaheline 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Organizing and Digitalizing of Family and Company Photos

  • Course dates: 14.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Craft Information Material Design with Free Software

  • Course dates: 15.08.2024 - 12.10.2024
  • Course duration: 1.25 ECTS (32 hours)
  • Occurence type: RKT 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Psychology of Argumentation Skills

  • Course dates: 15.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (7 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Body, emotions and safety education for pre-school children

  • Course dates: 15.08.2024 - 15.10.2024
  • Course duration: 3 ECTS (78 hours)
  • Occurence type: RKT 
  • Method: Entirely web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Classes of the course MTMM.00.242 Elementary Mathematics

  • Course dates: 15.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
  • Course duration: 1.25 ECTS (32 hours)
  • Method: Entirely web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Beautiful Rockery - From Establishment to Plants

  • Course dates: 16.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (4 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Change management for program directors

  • Course dates: 21.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.5 ECTS (16 hours)
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian
Videopostitused Canvaga

Video Posts with Canva

  • Course dates: 21.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Creative Writing Course

  • Course dates: 21.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Masterclass on Positive Thinking for Social and Youth Workers

  • Course dates: 21.08.2024 - 13.09.2024
  • Course duration: 1.25 ECTS (34 hours)
  • Occurence type: RKT 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

The role of the parents in supporting youth athlete and talent development

  • Course dates: 22.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.5 ECTS (12 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Partially web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adulthood

  • Course dates: 22.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Human Anatomy and Physiology for Sports Trainers

  • Course dates: 23.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Basics of Audio Production

  • Course dates: 24.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
  • Course duration: 1.5 ECTS (40 hours)
  • Occurence type: RKT 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Design of marketing materials with the Canva program

  • Course dates: 26.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

MS Excel - From Beginner to Expert

  • Course dates: 26.08.2024 - 13.10.2024
  • Course duration: 2 ECTS (52 hours)
  • Occurence type: RKT 
  • Method: Entirely web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Pre-school Education

  • Course dates: 27.08.2024 - 19.02.2025
  • Course duration: 12.25 ECTS (320 hours)
  • Occurence type: Õpetajale 
  • Method: Partially web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Problem Behavior or Lack of Skills? Skills and Responsibility Learning Method

  • Course dates: 28.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Light Design for Beginners

  • Course dates: 28.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
  • Course duration: 1 ECTS (24 hours)
  • Occurence type: RKT 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian
kinnisvara- ja üüriinvesteeringud

Real Estate and Rental Investments

  • Course dates: 28.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Entirely web-based
  • Language: Estonian

How to Create a Good Feeling - a Positive Indoor Climate?

  • Course dates: 28.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Negotiation Tactics

  • Course dates: 29.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

The role of the parents in supporting youth athlete and talent development

  • Course dates: 29.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.5 ECTS (12 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Partially web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Dangers from drugs and nature

  • Course dates: 29.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (4 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

A Course in Pedagogy

  • Course dates: 29.08.2024 - 31.01.2025
  • Course duration: 6.25 ECTS (160 hours)
  • Occurence type: Õpetajale 
  • Method: Partially web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Creating Effective Infographics in Canva

  • Course dates: 30.08.2024
  • Course duration: 0.25 ECTS (6 hours)
  • Occurence type: Suveülikool 
  • Method: Classwork
  • Language: Estonian

Professional Training Year for Clinical Psychologists

  • Course dates: 30.08.2024 - 31.08.2025
  • Course duration: 60 ECTS (1560 hours)
  • Method: Partially web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Professional Training Year for Counselling Psychologists

  • Course dates: 30.08.2024 - 31.08.2025
  • Course duration: 60 ECTS (1560 hours)
  • Method: Partially web-based
  • Language: Estonian

Practical Training for Internship Supervision

  • Course dates: 30.08.2024 - 26.09.2024
  • Course duration: 0.5 ECTS (16 hours)
  • Method: Partially web-based
  • Language: Estonian