Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine's anniversary is a traditional meeting place for people associated with the field - students, faculty, researchers, alumni, and field partners. The Faculty of Medicine is one of the few at the University of Tartu that celebrates its anniversary with a separate scientific conference. Traditionally, the theses of faculty, researchers, students, and doctors are also published in the Estonian Doctor supplement. The theses are of high quality and reflect the active work in numerous medical-related research fields.

At the anniversary event, the highest award of the Faculty of Medicine - the Faculty Medal - is presented, the best of the scientific conference are awarded, and scholarships are distributed.

The detailed program will be announced soon.

See you at the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary on October 10th and 11th, 2024!


The doctoral session of the scientific conference is organized by the Estonian Doctoral School, co-funded by the European Union under the project "Promotion of Collaboration in Doctoral Education at Universities" (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003).

Honorary medal of the Faculty of Medicine